My own tag in which I made...just now. ^^
I practically tag anyone who sees this post so...have fun!!!
Do you...
Have a nickname? If so, what is it?
Have siblings?
Have pets?
Have a MULTITUDE of books?
Have an addiction towards something?
Hate a specific book, movie, or song?
Hang out with lots of friends? Or just one?
Know what college you'd like to go to?
Scream a lot?
Are you...
Afraid of the dark?
Afraid of spiders or bugs?
Afraid of practically nothing?
Afraid of practically everything?
Usually in charge of a project?
What's your favorite...
Song? English, Korean, Japanese, whatever.
Book? Not series, book.
What are your...
Best blogger buddies?
Most popular blogs?
Most played song on Youtube?
Favorite moments in life?
Who is...
The most inspiring person in your life?
The most inspiring person in Blogspot?
The funniest person in Blogspot?
The kindest person in Blogspot?
The weirdest (but fun) person in Blogspot?
The absolute best blogger buddy?
Whooo, I made one!!!!
Be sure to fill it out!!!
Best wishes,
13 years ago
posted on Inklings about this (: