Yep, I'm back, and happy!!!
I plan to make everything good again. The Clans will take some time, but it will happen.
Just you wait. :D
Anyways, it was my birthday on April 1st!!!!
Yep, April Fool's Day!!! xD
Awesome, isn't it??
So Cherie and I had a family gathering/party today for both of our birthdays.
Sort of complicated with only one candle. :P
But we got the timing perfect. <3
Today we went to church, and apparently had a to put on skits!!!
We were talking about the book of Proverbs, which includes a bunch of saying with hidden morals, such as 'The early bird gets the worm'. (No, that wasn't in the Bible)
We separated into four groups, each trying to make a skit with the proverb.
Ours was from Proverbs 6:10-11, which was:
"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want, like an armed warrior."
That practically means that you shouldn't slack off too much, because if you do, you'll miss out on things.
I got the 'bad person/rebel/slacking off person' part. :P
Aka, Student 2.
Oh, and one more thing. The title of the post is pronounced '2nd Peter', just so you know.
Why did I name it that? You'll see once you read the skit.
Our skit practically went like this (Warning: Not Accurate):
Teacher: So, we're having a bible reading contest. I've picked the two best students, and your goal is to read the entire 'New Testament' in one year. If you do, you will get to go to either Six Flags or Disneyland.
*Both students smile*
------- 1 month later -------
Teacher: How far have you gotten?
Student 1: I'm on Acts.
Student 2: I'm on 2 Peter.
Teacher: 2 Peter?! That's great!
------- A few weeks later -------
Friend: Hey, you wanna go to the boba shop?
Student 2: *oblivious to Bible reading* Sure!
------- 3 months from the first meeting -------
Teacher: How far have you gotten now?
Student 1: Ephesians.
Student 2: 2 Peter.
------- A few weeks later -------
Friend: Hey, let's go shopping!!!
Student 2: Okay!!!
------- Finally a year -------
Teacher: It's been a year! How far are you guys now?
Student 1: I'm done.
Teacher: Great! What about you?
Student 2: 2 Peter....
Teacher: Still? I thought you were doing fine before. What were you doing?
Student 2: Hanging out with my friends.
Teacher: Well, I guess you get the prize!
------- End -------
Aren't rebels awesome??? xD
So yep. I'm planning to revive the blogs. With help or without.
Lots of love,
13 years ago
My countdown was what made the "perfect timing" possible (: