Saturday, November 19, 2011


Yes, it's a new tag. ^-^
This was taken completely off the back of a bookmark, so...
No Copyright Infringement intended. :P

A: Author you Love?
B: Best Friend?
C: Can't Live Without?
D: Dream Destination?
E: Embarrassing Moment?
F: Favorite Food?
G: Greatest Achievement?
H: Hometown?
I: Innermost Fear?
J: Just Finished Reading?
K: Kindle?
L: Love to Read?
M: Makes you Laugh?
N: Number One Movie?
O: One Wish?
P: Pizza Topping?
Q: Quote that Describes You?
R: Reading Now?
S: Siblings?
T: Texted Last?
U: Understands you the Best?
V: Vanilla or Chocolate?
W: Worst Habit?
X: X-Rays You've Had?
Y: Your Favorite Song?
Z: Zodiac Sign?

I tag...whoever sees this, and...
Ya know, have fun. ^-^

Now for my own...
A: Author you Love? Wendy Mass
B: Best Friend? Isabella
C: Can't Live Without? Friends
D: Dream Destination? Miami
E: Embarrassing Moment? Couldn't figure out the EASIEST problem ever
F: Favorite Food? Sushi
G: Greatest Achievement? Honor Roll for the First Time
H: Hometown? Toronto, Canada (And then I moved...)
I: Innermost Fear? Vaccines, Needles, etc.
J: Just Finished Reading? Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
K: Kindle? Sometime this month.
L: Love to Read? YES.
M: Makes you Laugh? Completely random things that come out of nowhere.
N: Number One Movie? Totoro <3
O: One Wish? Unlimited Wishes
P: Pizza Topping? Pineapple
Q: Quote that Describes You? "It's the possibility that keeps me going...and though you may call me a dreamer or fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible."
R: Reading Now? Alchemy by Margaret Mahy
S: Siblings? One older brother.
T: Texted Last? Haven't texted.
U: Understands you the Best? Cheryl.
V: Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla.
W: Worst Habit? Procrastinating.
X: X-Rays You've Had? 1 Teeth X-Ray. I think that's it.
Y: Your Favorite Song? Scar by SHINee
Z: Zodiac Sign? Aries

Long post now, but whatever.
Copy and paste the tag on your blog~! <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Yes. I am imploding. >-<

I have so many things to do, and I keep putting it off.
If you haven't guessed already, I'm a procrastinator.
It's bad, but it's become a habit. That, and I'm lazy.

It's so annoying how so many things are happening all at once.
It's like my school has to stuff me with homework and projects before we get our Thanksgiving break. T.T

This is just getting silly.
Let's see...I have two more paragraphs to do for my English essay, four paragraphs for my History project, Math homework every day, my Math tutor's homework (I'm not that bad though... >-<), my Science 'project', and more English homework.
Oh joyous day.

Can't you see how much I don't want to do?
Stupid teachers... >-<


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

What I Haven't Done

Is the title of this post a title of a song too?
It sounds familiar, but I'm too busy listening to Super Girl by Super Junior M to go check.

I noticed the last time I posted was when I was sick, and...I've been healthy for a while now.
Sorry for ditching you guys. ^^''

So...Halloween just passed. I didn't go trick-or-treating (Uhm, if I'm not old enough to yet...), but I made a costume.
It's a green t-shirt that says: COSTUME

I'm creative, aren't I? xD
Next year...I have it all planned out. But I'm making you guys wait.

Alright, I feel weird now.
I have nothing else to talk about so I'll list the things I haven't done, as it says above.
That'll be the end of the post, so I'll say bye now.
BAI. ^-^

What I Haven't Done:
  • Posted on this for a long time = D:
  • Studied for my History test tomorrow = I'll...go do that after this. ^^''
  • Bought the game I wanted for my IPod Touch = :/
  • Gotten many joiners for my new blog, HiddenClan = That was my form of advertising. xD
I lied. It wasn't the end.
That list...looks pitiful. :P
I swear, I thought it would be way longer.

Ah well.


Friday, October 07, 2011

Stayed Home

I was too sick to go to school today.
So, because of this, I have the honor of asking every single one of my teachers what I have to make up for when I was gone, not to mention making up my math and orchestra test.
*sigh* Why must life be so difficult?

Well, this morning I definitely felt better.
Especially compared to yesterday (I fell asleep at Cheryl's house and felt horrible (physically)).

And now my mind is filled with homework I have to get done before Monday. Glorious day. T.T
Ah well, I'll give you updates soon.


Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Alright, so I was on RoseClan (made by Star Lighter, aka Rima) today, scrolling through the cats and wondering if I should join as another one.
Sounds pretty reasonable so far, right?

And then that's when I saw a picture I used for Bengin's Dictatorship (by Chilepanda).
My first reaction was, that person used my picture!!!
And, since this is me, I suddenly think about them copying me.
It's stupid, I know, but it's been like that ever since I was younger. I just don't like people copying my original idea.

So then I went to the Join Page and wondered who joined as the cat.
I was going to let the person go (they put their name as, achem, Kitten), and just ignore it, until I saw the description.
It was the exact same one I had originally thought of.
I mean, what the heck?

I put effort into the description of the cat, too. It goes like this:
Tyari is a lithe she-cat with a pelt the colors of a sunset, mixed in with the black of night. Her eyes are a startling amber, the hues blending until they formed the color of honey. 

This is what they put:
Sunsetblaze is a lithe she-cat with a pelt the colors of a sunset, mixed in with the black of night. Her eyes are a startling amber, the hues blending until they formed the color of honey.

What the heck????
That is just...annoying.

If you see this, Kitten, somehow, just, don't copy my work anymore.
In fact, don't copy anyone's work, even if you like it a lot.
(You know you could get sued for that?)

So yeah. 
Ugh, stupid....


Sunday, October 02, 2011


Grrrr..... >-<
If you read Inklings, you already know that Cheryl got a fever yesterday.

Well, today, this morning, my throat started hurting like crazy.
And then later on, around 9:45, pain decided to go to my stomach.
So I didn't go to the Lord's Day Meeting this morning. D:

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do anything today.
Well, I'll just...try to get better then.
Honey tea, here I come. <3

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Up to Date?

I feel utterly bored.
I guess I could bring you guys up to date on things. ^-^
Alright, so, I suppose I can try posting on this blog again. I suppose. xP

Let's get started~!
  1. I made a post on FallenClan saying how I want to restart it. 
  2. I've waited and waited, and still very little has joined The New Games.
  3. I've also waited for Stormy to come back. And she did. :D
  4. I joined an awesome blog called Writers Inc. and am waiting for it to start.
That's it, Blogger-wise.
Hm, thought there'd be more.
Oh well.

I started school September 1st, although I haven't really mentioned it here.
It's been interesting, but I feel like I'm just waiting for the homework to start piling on. >-<
How's your school been? (It's already started, right? o.o)

Hmm...nothing much to say now...
