If you're wondering, 'Up and Down by SHINee' came on right when I got to Speechless. @.@
Maybe sometimes I do forget that I have a mixpod.
Anyway, as you can tell by the post title, I have, well, an idea.
It's...interesting. But I'm going to need you people to help me. (Gosh, it's starting to sound like Dora to me...)
You know that thing at the top of the blog?
The...quote of the day.
You guys know that I don't change it at all, correct?
Alrighty, so I want to change the 'quote of the day' to something else.
So my idea was that it could be...well...
Here are some examples:
Starless's Selections (aka, songs. I can put them at the end of the post, like what I've been doing.)
Starless's Suggestions (advice, I think. But I hate giving...well, not hate. I'm just bad at giving advice.)
And more, if you have any ideas.
I'll be sure to keep your ideas in mind, and, we'll have something new on Speechless.
I just thought of 'Starless's Speeches' (since it fits with Speechless), but...I don't want to give speeches and I don't think you want to read long speeches from who-knows-where in my mind.
Well, today my BFF (shoutout, I guess to the most AMAZING person ever! ^-^) was chatting with me online, and she told me that she checked here a LOT, and I haven't been posting.
Let's change that, shall we? ;)
Anyway, I'm going to start ranting, about that little subject at the top. ↑
I, for one, just adore sarcasm.
It's...just an interesting way to talk.
Back to the point. Just a few minutes ago from now, a person (whose name shall not be mentioned for their sake of reputation) I know just...well, let's start from the beginning.
She's been using sarcasm a lot lately, and no doubt she'll see this, now that I think about it.
Sorry. :/
Anyway, it's been overridden with the same exact sarcasm phrase for who knows how long now.
And it's getting on my nerves.
I mean, to use sarcasm is one thing (that I enjoy, nonetheless), but to overkill it with the same exact thing and for like, ten times a day is just...ugh.
Am I bad to think this way?
I dunno, maybe it's just me. But it's getting on my nerves like crazy.
Now that I'm done venting, I think I shall go and delete Starless Nights, now that I know I can vent here to make more posts.
Hopefully this blog will be more popular by then. <3
So, yup.
I guess I can leave you with another song from my selections. This one fits perfectly to...well, you'll see.
Human Names: - The last name "Eternal" - The last name "Sundown" - The last name "Myrical" - The name "Kaden Lu" - The name "Jacki Valdez" - The name "Jace Eternal" - The middle name "Aurora" - The name "Kenny Summers"